Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Playing board games Google style

As you can imagine, we have a board games group in Google (actually, several, one per major location). And by board games, we DON'T mean Monopoly . We mean serious games, and, this being Google, it must be large scale.
Last Saturday we played Twilight Imperium Third Edition with the Shattered Empire expansion. It lasted a mere 11 hours (from 12:40 to 23:55). I cannot recommend it enough (if you are into board games, of course), since it has a really good balance between races and the combination of long term strategy and random events works wonderfully. And to understand what I mean by large, just check the picture.

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Anonymous said...

Ya that game is okay, but our group of gamers tends to rework the games to fix them, and after a few years our 'House' version stomps TI3

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


paddy said...

google is great...

Online Casinos said...

Wow. I am TOTALLY awed of the game, 11 hours? that's too long! I can't even last an hour playing a card game. man that is really cool. Amazing.